This was posted this morning:
States across the US have reported 2,760 new cases of novel coronavirus over the past 24 hours, according to a tally by CNN.
On Wednesday morning at 6 a.m. ET, CNN was reporting at least 6,138 cases with 112 deaths. On Thursday morning at 6 a.m. ET, CNN had tallied at least 8,898 cases with 149 deaths; an increase of 2,760 cases and 37 deaths.
A week ago on March 12, CNN was reporting 1,274 cases and 38 deaths. Two weeks ago on March 5, CNN had counted 161 cases and 11 deaths.
Members of the White House Task Force and public health officials have warned the number of cases in the US will increase as more testing is completed.
How do you feel? I’m not asking whether you have flu symptoms. I’m asking how the worldwide epidemic is making you feel mentally and emotionally.
The spread of the new coronavirus is not just a public health crisis. It’s a global event pervading nearly every aspect of people’s lives, causing them to worry not only about getting sick themselves but about Grandma’s health, what to do with out-of-school kids, and how to absorb their rapidly shrinking 401(k)s.[1]
Psychiatrists boil it down to fear of the unknown. And that’s true. But it’s a lot deeper than that.
It’s our obsession with the known. With our self. With who we are and what we do, what we have or what we don’t have, what we believe, what we need and what we want. Life has become mostly about us, as evidenced by the way we’re reacting, and often overreacting, to the flu.
I say this as a loving caution, not as a criticism.
The Coronavirus is exposing self-centeredness in God’s people that we didn’t even know was there, because it’s invisible in a self-centered culture. This is a good thing, because we can’t take self-centeredness where he’s leading us.
I encourage you to use this health scare as an opportunity to find a quiet place, sit down with the Holy Spirit and ask him to show you if there’s any self-centeredness in your life. If there is, ask him to show you how to pry it free and fasten your attention securely on him.
Remember, we all love most and trust most whoever (or whatever) we look at and think of most.
You are ready for anything and equal to anything through your living relationship with Me. Rest in My Presence while I infuse inner strength into you. Because you are a child of the King of kings, you are capable of so much more than you realize.[2]
[1] Dastagir, Alia E., “The facts on coronavirus aren’t all scary. So why so much fear?” USA Today, 12 March 2020.
[2] Chambers, Oswald, My Utmost for His Highest, March 19.