Prophetic Path

By Dr. Ronald Campbell, PsyD, ThD.


Format: eBook, Print & Audio

249 Pages


Published: Oct. 5, 2016

What does the Bible say about third-millennium prophets? What’s the difference between being a prophet and being prophetic? In The Prophetic Path, Ron Campbell guides emerging prophets along his own journey from South Africa to America and from the sanctuary to legislatures and boardrooms to reveal the prerequisites, principles, and perils of the office of the prophet.

About the Author

Meet Ron

Ronald Campbell served in the military in South Africa for ten years. Following that, he created a successful pharmaceutical company, before being led by the Holy Spirit to America in 1993. Since then, Ron has empowered elected officials and corporate and non-government leaders to make life-changing decisions that have resulted in personal fulfillment for themselves and their families.

eBook, Print & Audio

Available on


The Astounding, Formidable Holy Spirit 24
Gifts of The Spirit 39
Prophetic Genealogy 66
Apostles and Prophets80
The Kingdom of God95
Prophetic Anointing113
Hearing God’s Voice118
Prophetic Pitfalls137
The Prophet in the Congregation(s)177
The Prophet in the Workplace192
The Emerging Prophet207
The Authors230
More books by Ron Brackin:233

Recognize and fulfill
your divine calling

Led by the Spirit

God has spoken through Ron Campbell for more than forty years.

“The church is weak,” says prophet John Sanford, “because we are not founded on the basis of prophets and apostles, nor is the nation.”

“Ron has a commitment to pay the heavy price required to speak hard words, instead of superficial flux, and to do it in a compassionate and gentle way,” says Bishop Bill Atwood of the Nairobi Anglican Church of Kenya.

Since Ron’s emigration to the United States, he has been used powerfully by the Lord, ministering healing and building up the body of Christ.

In 2003, the Holy Spirit directed Ron to expand into the marketplace, where he served as a chief strategic officer, working with Fortune 500 companies on diverse methods, executive consulting, mergers and acquisitions and cyber security.

Ron strategically partners with his clientele to support them in achieving their goals and fulfilling their life’s calling, both personally and professionally. His practical process helps clients better understand both themselves and their employees. 

Ron’s clients include members of the Texas State Legislature, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and Life Care Medical Foundation, as well as executives of oil corporations, technology companies, non-government organizations and churches.