God Laughs
By Dr. Ronald Campbell, PsyD, ThD.
Format: eBook, Print & Audio
139 Pages
Published: Aug. 10, 2020
God laughs? Seriously? Folks don’t think much, if at all, about God laughing. The paintings generally portray him as stern, even angry. And if you look up “laughs” in your concordance, you’ll only find three, as far as God is concerned. But we just couldn’t imagine that the God who defines himself as “Love” doesn’t have an amazing sense of humor … and we were right!
About the Author
Meet Ron
Ronald Campbell served in the military in South Africa for ten years. Following that, he created a successful pharmaceutical company, before being led by the Holy Spirit to America in 1993. Since then, Ron has empowered elected officials and corporate and non-government leaders to make life-changing decisions that have resulted in personal fulfillment for themselves and their families.

eBook, Print & Audio
Available on

Introduction |
Abracadabra |
Ark-Bound |
Towering Tomfoolery |
Teflon-Teen |
Political Animal |
Devil or the Deep Red Sea |
Joshua’s Sun |
Ferocious Lap Dogs |
Monster Mash |
Grounding Day B.C |
Bad Doeg! |
Rave Review |
Altar-Cation |
No Great Loss |
Esther, The Requester |
Pity Party |
Dreams ‘n Screams |
Fool’s Errand |
Brass Tax |
Day at the Beach |
Mystery Man |
Not a Drop to Drink |
ABC’s |
A Cast of 153 |
Solo Tag Team |
Aglow in the Known |
Busted |
Surprise! |
Get out of Jail Free! |
Fire! |